Wine Grape Sales Survey

  The Michigan Wine Collaborative (MWC) received a MDARD / USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant award for 2021-2022 to increase the competitiveness of Michigan Grape and Wine Producers.  As a part of this campaign the MWC must collect information on a specific outcome indicator that measures the change in Wine Grape Sales.  In 2021, we…

MWC February 2022 Newsletter

February 2022 Newsletter Check out the 2022 MWC Board and Committee Chairs, Attend the Wine Industry Leadership Conference, Help us to create a MI Black Wine Professional Database, Explore events and news from Black Star Farms, Plan for the 2022 Eastern Winery Exposition, Read a message from MWC President, and more! 2022 MWC Board & Committee Chairs We would like to…

Events and News at Black Star Farms

Weekend Dinners at the Inn at Black Star Farms – Saturday, February, 5 Black Star Farms Valentine’s Wine Dinner – Saturday, February, 12 Sleigh Rides at Black Star Farms – Sunday, February 20 Only a few seats remain for the 11 am slot; all other times are sold out.   There is…

MWC January 2022 Newsletter

  January 2022 Newsletter Prepare for the 2022 Annual Meeting and Election, Explore events at Black Star Farms, Plan for the 2022 Eastern Winery Exposition, Read a message from MWC President, and more! 2022 Orchard & Vineyard Show The 2022 Northwest Michigan Orchard and Vineyard Show is scheduled for Jan. 18-19 at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, Michigan. Registration…

2022 Orchard & Vineyard Show Schedule

The 2022 Northwest Michigan Orchard and Vineyard Show is scheduled for Jan. 18-19 at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, Michigan. Registration opens at 8 a.m. on Jan. 18 and the cost for both days is $45 in advance and $50 at the door. The line is often long at the registration desk, so meeting attendees are encouraged to arrive well before the 9…