Michigan Wine in the News: April 2021 Edition

1st Black woman winemaker in Michigan opens Kzoo tasting room- Wood TV 8 Southern Michigan offers winery tours a day trip’s drive away- Chicago Tribune Traverse City Uncorked Returns For Michigan Wine Month- MyNorth Northern Michigan Winemakers Expecting High-Quality 2020 Vintage- MyNorth Report: Wine Grape and Craft Beer Hops Farming Expands Across Michigan- Detroit Business…

MWC March 2021 Newsletter

March 2021 Newsletter Participate in this year’s #OpenLocalWine event, learn about Holiday retail opportunities with MWC member Meijer, mark your calendars for the 2021 Grape Kickoff, get involved with the MI Grape Society board, welcome Chris Southern of Detroit Vineyards to the MWC board, read a message from the President, and more! Get in on #OpenLocalWine NOW! Join…

Tanks for Sale!

For Sale! 2 tanks: Punch-down fermenter with seed removal. Bought through prospero: https://prosperoequipment.com/product/fermenter-pip/ Each holds about 1650 gallons, ferments roughly 6 tons of must. Punch down unit never used because our tank room doesn’t have tall enough ceilings. Height without punchdown unit is 13.5 feet. With punchdown unit is 18.5 feet. Diameter is 6 feet.…