Michigan Wine in the News- September Edition

St. Julian Winery & Distillery Installs Tallest Tanks in Michigan- Wine Industry Network Advisor Experience Leelanau Peninsula Wine Trail’s Newest Event- MyNorth Enjoy wine and wander on these Michigan trails- ClickOn Detroit Michigan’s Black Star Farms named Best Wine Country Hotel by USA Today- MLive Supporting Michigan’s wine industry in challenging climatic conditions- MSU Today…

MI Wine Blogger Workshop

CALLING ALL WANNABE WINE BLOGGERS!!! Keep August 27th at 7pm EST FREE! And get your Amoritas Vineyards wine orders in at the tasting room, your favorite wine shop, or online ASAP! Michigan Wine Collaborative is teaming up with Amoritas Vineyards and Media Group, Bevfluence, for a workshop learning about wine and wine blogging. Wine blogging…

MWC August 2020 Newsletter

August 2020 Newsletter Catch up on MWC’s upcoming MI Wine Blogger Workshop, MI Wine Country Promotional Opportunities, Available Wine Jobs, and More! MWC’S MI Wine Blogger Workshop Join us on August 27th at 7pm EST for our Grand Finale Bevfluence event AND MI Wine Blogger Workshop. We will be logging on Twitter with Amoritas Vineyards and the Bevfluence group to…