IFWTWA Webinar

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association (IFWTWA) is a not-for-profit global network of writers, authors, bloggers, freelancers, editors, radio and television hosts, photojournalists, podcasters, and videographers who report on the travel, culinary, beverage, and hospitality fields.   Michigan Wine Collaborative (MWC) teamed up with IFWTWA for a Michigan wine webinar featuring wines from…

MWC September 2020 Newsletter

September 2020 Newsletter Catch up on the Fall issue of Michigan Uncorked, CBC Grant Opportunity Info, Interesting Developments out of Minnesota, a Message from MWC President, and More! Michigan Uncorked’s Fall Issue The new issue of Michigan Uncorked has officially landed! Michigan Wine Collaborative’s Executive Director, Emily Dockery, penned the cover story highlighting our newest Inclusion &…

MWC August 2020 Newsletter

August 2020 Newsletter Catch up on MWC’s upcoming MI Wine Blogger Workshop, MI Wine Country Promotional Opportunities, Available Wine Jobs, and More! MWC’S MI Wine Blogger Workshop Join us on August 27th at 7pm EST for our Grand Finale Bevfluence event AND MI Wine Blogger Workshop. We will be logging on Twitter with Amoritas Vineyards and the Bevfluence group to…

2020 Grape Kickoff Webinar

Please join us for the 2020 kickoff to grape season! We are excited to offer the 2020 Grape Kickoff meeting online via Zoom on Thursday, April 23, 2020, from 1-4 p.m. Michigan State University Extension experts will cover early season topics for Michigan grape growers. Growers must register ahead of time for this webinar. Registration closes at midnight the day before the…

Staying Vigilant with Increased Wine Shipping

  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD! Many Michigan wineries are increasing their business via DTC shipping. This is an exciting time to work on building digital sales strategies and expanding shipping capibilities. During this time, the Michigan Wine Collaborative encourages our member wineries and ALL wineries to refresh themselves on some best practices to utlize when…

COVID-19 Assistance for Small Businesses Announced

According to a press release April 14, 2020, The Northern Initiatives program will provide up to $2 million in loan funds to Northern Initiatives through MEDC’s Capital Access program to be used to assist businesses impacted by the COVID-19 virus. Northern Initiatives, a Community Development Finance Institution regulated by the U.S. Department of Treasury, provides…

MI Wine Month POS & Promo Materials

2020 MI WINE MONTH BURGUNDY EDITION MICHIGAN WINE MONTH POSTERS- BURGUNDY EDITION 16.53 x 23.38 PDFs Cropped & Bled (Additional sizes and formats may be available upon request.) DRINKMIWINE-POSTER 16.53×23.38 HASHTAG-POSTER 16.53×23.38 MIWINESTATS-POSTER16.53×23.38 MIWINEWINS 16.53×23.38 MICHIGAN WINE MONTH DIGITAL GRAPHICS- BURGUNDY EDITION PNG FILES(Additional sizes and formats may be available upon request.) SOCIAL MEDIA GRAPHICS 2020…