Member Renewals Due
MWC loves our members! And we need you to stick around so we can all make the Michigan wine industry better. There are several outstanding member renewals due. Please check your MWC profile HEREand renew. We have extended the date for these renewals to 2/7/2019. Renew ASAP to continue your support for MWC. Your membership allows us to promote your wines, research your vines, and make the wine industry better via a vast network of wine industry professionals and enthusiasts. If you have already renewed, THANK YOU! We are so excited to get started on a great vintage with you. If you are a new member your renewal will be due on the anniversary of your join date. Please contact uswith any questions.
February Board Meeting
Participants Needed for Wine Sales Data Survey
To Take the Survey Click Here!
MWC & Vintage Michigan Merge!
MWC is very excited to welcome Vintage Michiganinto the Collaborative! MWC will now be administering the inclusive wine club that is so unique and iconic to our state. And with the new acquisition we are planning some new and improved features. We recently sent out correspondence to the participating Vintage Michigan locations asking to confirm or update their current business listings. To see the letter click HERE.Once we receive this feedback MWC will overhaul the entire Vintage Michigan brochure which will include the updates and some new additions! Please review the brochure HEREand let us knowif you have any edits to your information or if you would like to be listed as a participating member. Now is the time to list your business if it is not already! The new brochure will be released in April ahead of Michigan Wine Month.
Also, if you know of any businesses in your area who may like to be included in the brochure please have them contact us at [email protected].
We also ask current Vintage Michigan supporters to remove all previous Vintage Michigan literature and sign up forms. Please review the documents below for display in your tasting room. Print immediately and replace or Contact Usto be sent materials.
Revamped Restaurant Motivation Cards
These iconic Michigan Grape & Wine Council Restaurant cards have recently been given a make over. We ask that these cards be left behind at your favorite restaurants to encourage more Michigan wine on wine lists across our state and beyond. We are also hoping to grow our restaurant members so we can collaborate more with the on premise industry. If you would like to be sent some of the cards E-mail Us.
Michigan Wine Grape Commission

To view, download, or print the document above Click Here!
A Message from MWC President on the Michigan Wine Grape Commission

2019 Southwest Michigan Hort Days
License to Steal National Wine Marketing Conference
Farming for the Future 2019
Winery Development Conference
Click Here to see the schedule and learn more!
MWC Members Save on EWE Registration

For more information Click Here!
MSU Grape School
Winemaker Conference Selects Traverse City for Inaugural Midwest Host
Early bird registration has opened and more information can be found here.
Life Between the Vines Supports Industry Through Michigan Wine Podcast Series
MWC had the pleasure to work with the Life Between the Vinesto bring to fruition the Michigan Wine Edition podcast series. Currently there are 6 episodes released which highlight MWC members Bowers Harbor Vineyards, White Pine Winery, Domaine Berrien Cellars, Lake Michigan Vintners, Shady Lane Cellars, and Lemon Creek Winery. If you haven’t already give your ears a treat and listen to some friends share their stories from our wine industry. Make sure to share on social media and with friends to raise awareness on premium Michigan wines!
MWC Teams Up With #winestudio for the Month of February
MWC is excited to be the February sponsor for the virtual wine tasting #winestudio. #winestudio is an interactive beverage education and brand marketing program organized via social media. Each month #winestudio selects a different theme and builds an online conversation around that topic, creating focused content and media that both participant and brands can apply. The virtual wine tasting takes place on Twitter Tuesdays at 9 p.m. accompanied by very real wine. The #winestudio members who include wine authorities from writers to somms to influencers and more, receive a selection of wine from producers to taste and engage in a conversation about. MWC is excited to share premium Michigan wines exclusively from our membership with select wine influencers across the country and to educate them on our versatile grape growing and wine production capabilities. We hope you will join in the conversation! Follow MWCand #winestudionow to get started. Wines to be featured are listed below. If possible, we encourage grabbing a bottle to pair with this Twitter event!
New Provisions Related To Manufacturing Requirements and Retail Sales At Tasting Rooms
To read the remainder of this article from click on the graphic.
Click Here to review by bill number.
Click Here to review by license type.
Important Information for Producers from MLCC
MWC Reflects on 2018 Accomplishments
Committee Goals for 2019
We NEED You!

Member Satisfaction Survey Sent Out to Members

Click Here To Take The Survey!
We need to hear from you! Only a small portion of our membership has completed the satisfaction survey. MWC wants to secure satisfaction from ALL members. Please take the Member Satisfaction Survey to help us define our goals and trajectory for the rest of 2018 and beyond. Let us know how we are doing. And as always, Thank you for being loyal and valued members of the Michigan Wine Collaborative.
Welcome to Our Newest Members!
MWC Question Board
Message From the MWC President
For more news and information, please visit us at If you haven’t already please like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram @michiganwinecollaborative, and on Twitter @MIWineCollab. We look forward to seeing you online!
Dave Miller, President
Resume PDF, Michael McCallum CV.pdf
Resume PDF, Maréva VALAYER_ CV_En.pdf
Are you looking to hire or to be hired? E-mail us us your info and we will share it on the MWC Job Board in our next newsletter.
Do you have an event, news, or accolade you would like published through MWC? Submit HERE!
Are you involved in any of MWC’s valuable and dynamic committees? We are looking for motivated and industrious members to help our committees thrive. To request more information on available committee seats click here.
The Cold Climate committee is devoted to the support and innovation of cold climate varieties in Michigan. If you are interested in joining or if you have any questions please Contact Jessica. Meetings will take place the 3rd Monday of the month unless otherwise noted. The next meeting for this committee is February 18th at 9am Contact Us if you would like to be sent call in information
ATTENTION:The Communications committee has recently merged with our Membership committee.
Membership & Communication committee call date is February 26th at 9am. Contact Us if you would like to be sent call in information. Any inquiries may be directed to committee chair Gina Shay.
Sustainability committee call date is TBD. Contact Us if you would like to be sent call in information for the next meeting. Any inquiries may be directed to committee chair Matt Moersch.
Grants, Funding, & Legislation committee is recruiting members! Pleasecontact usto learn more. Meeting schedule will be ramping up in the upcoming months.
MWC cannot thank our members enough for supporting us and collaborating with us on the future of the Michigan wine industry. We need you to help us spread the word about MWC membership. Every member who cultivates a fruitful referral will receive a small thank you gift from MWC.
Reminder that board meetings take place monthly. All members (voting and non-voting) are welcomed to attend. In addition, time is allotted for public comments or questions. The next board meeting is scheduled for February 5th at 10 am. Board meetings will take place the first Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted. For call-in information contact us here or check the news section on the MWC website.